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Vertical Surface: Tank Cleaning Services

There are a number of reasons why businesses and industries require vertical surface cleaning services, especially for industrial tanks. Other than the regular care and maintenance of equipment that respected, professional companies carry out as standard business practice, there is often great economic and budget benefit to improving the lifespan of tanks or re-purposing and re-deploying an existing tank for another use.

At KRSI, we have a unique and innovative range of effective solutions. Through years of experience and service, we have become the leaders in professional tank cleaning services. So, why choose us?


Pressure vessels, along with mixing, storage, ballast and reactor tanks, are designed in a way that is intended to both keep the contents inside and to prevent outside elements gaining access. This can make the maintenance of them quite a difficult and demanding challenge. While some tanks are designed to allow a person to access them for repairs, maintenance and cleaning, water jet cleaning, the no man entry tank cleaning method, does not generally require an operative to enter the tank.

Innovative Equipment

UHP water blasting is an extremely efficient method for removing coatings on vertical surfaces. A KRSI operator will use a special tool for the vertical surface removal while standing in place on a lift, scaffold, or swing stage. The swing stage method can yield up to 3,000 sq. ft. of surface removal per shift resulting in an ultra-clean finish for the new coating.

Time and Money Efficient

Unlike other methods of tank cleaning, high-pressure water jets are capable of efficiently and effectively cleaning tanks of all shapes and sizes in next to no time. This method of industrial tank cleaning creates a minimal level of vibration, removing the need for time-consuming and often expensive scaffolding to be erected around the tank when cleaning commences. This time and money-saving feature reduces the downtime experienced and thus enhances business efficiency.

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1605 Whipple Road

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