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Vertical Surface Preparation - UHP Water Blasting

KRSI offers Ultra-High Pressure (UHP) Water Blasting Systems with optional vacuum collection units and other accessories. KRSI provides an experienced technician with every rental, ensuring that the UHP water blaster is utilized at its maximum efficiency, ultimately reducing your project costs. The process is environmentally friendly and dust free, releasing no harmful or contaminated dust particles into the air. UHP water blasting works efficiently on both horizontal and vertical surfaces.

UHP water blasting is an extremely efficient method for removing coatings on vertical surfaces. A KRSI operator will use a special tool for the vertical surface removal while standing in place on a lift, scaffold, or swing stage. The swing stage method can yield up to 3,000 sq. ft. of surface removal per shift resulting in an ultra-clean finish for the new coating.

On a vertical surface, UHP water blasting effectively removes:

  • Elastomeric

  • Epoxies and waterproofing

  • Mastic

  • Parge coatings

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